Based on a lot of testing abt 90s with som fellow hams using KAM (e+) we found 
Gtor making good speed when good conds. But pactor1 proved more robust. 80m 
during night.

The most easy mode to make a link with again and again was AMTOR, because of 
its very short call. But plenty of errors during an ongoing link.

Pactor1 was a bit more difficult to achieve a link with. But off course 100% 
correct, and fully 8 bit comm, as long as it worked.
Working 100 and 200b.

Gtor was much more difficult to start a link during bad conds. The call burst 
was very long.
Pactor1 always won the race creating a link.
Gtor didnt work so well during bad conds "twisting multipath" as advertized. 
But was very effective indeed during daytime. Often running 300b.
One could set parameters for how long the link should hang on during deep and 
long QSBs.

We often did test towards a counter station in "TOR" mode with its internal 
PBBS activated. Worked like the receiving station accepted call in either 
amtor, pactor1 or gtor.
Distances Oslo Stavanger, (Southeast to southwest, and to Valdres (abt middle 
of south Norway).

(Later also pure pactor1 link from Oslo to Svalbard (Hopen) on 20m for 1/2year.
Pactor1 80 night Oslo to Lofoten (North Norway).
Pactor2 40 night Oslo to North Cape most north of Norway.)
But this was irrelevant to GTOR, no comparison between modes.

One could very well achieve a GTOR 300b link with narrow 500hz filter and FSK 
170hz shift. (Even 350hz Icom filter obvious not very sharp edged).  
Recommended shift was 200.

Gtor was good for file transfers under good conds, "unneccessary quick for 
keyboard qsos", but pactor1 better for qsos, under worse conds. One couldnt 
type quicker than pactor1 worked.

It was a pity that this mode became so quickly outperformed by Pactor2. Both 
modes held proprietary. Maybe a combination of GTOR and PACTOR2 could have been 
interesting all these years. Starting the negotiaton with the short PACTOR1 
bursts. All narrow band.

Today I wonder how comparison between WINMOR 500hz and GTOR would show up. I am 
glad that Gtor obviously has been given free.
Maybe something for BPQ32?

73 de la7um Finn.

--- In, "graham787" <g0...@...> wrote:
> Stiner .. will try again wed night , for  soem reason I have to  select 3  as 
> the  audio in to the  prog . could  see a  signal +/- 1700  on speclab , 15 
> db over noise .. also  one signal was quite wide ?
> 73 - Graham . 
> --- In, Steinar Aanesland <saanes@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 3586
> > 
> > 
> >

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