
The issue for me has less to do with bandwidth than operating methodology. The 
same problems exist independent of bandwidth; although wider bandwidth modes 
certainly exasperate the situation. I agree that Winlink servers scanning 
multiple frequencies is a poor use of limited frequency allocations. Regardless 
of the mode and/or bandwidth, the issue appears to be that of transmitting on a 
frequency already in use. While manual operators certainly do this, at least 
the they have control over it; unlike bots with mode specific "busy detection" 
or that feature disabled. I would certainly support a narrow bandwidth area 
*within the existing automatic sub-bands* for automatic operations; but not if 
it were allocated at the expense of non-automatic users. 


Bill N9DSJ  

--- In, Andy obrien <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> Let me "drill down" on this some more to find out the prevailing view...
> Would those that object to Bonnie's idea, also object if the "wide" modes
> were not part of the issue?.  How about these objections if there was a
> digital mode under 500 Hz that transmitted "unattended" under automatic
> control?  It seems to me, that after years of complaints that PACTOR, ALE,
> and CW (W1AW) just fire up in the middle of a on-going QSO, that having an
> area designated for automatic unattended operations makes sense.  Then, if
> we operate there, we do so knowing that W1AW or a WINMOR server may activate
> at any moment? (actually W1AW has a schedule , but you get my drift).  A 500
> Hz sliver of spectrum in 80, 60 (yes)  30, 17,  and  10M would be all that
> is needed.  The current ALE, Winmor, Pactor, operators (there really are
> only about 200 in the world ,  TOTAL  ) would then use narrow forms of their
> mode to achieve their aims . coordinate schedules between them, and have
> 2500 Hz where their operations are primary, and other hams communications in
> these segments would be secondary.
> Andy K3UK
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:50 PM, n9dsj <n9...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In <>, Andy
> > obrien <k3ukandy@> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Andy K3UK
> >
> > Personalities aside, the proposed "bandplan" is a bad idea. I cannot think
> > of a present or future mode that could be better served by this. ROS has its
> > own problems and standard ALE and PactorIII presently have areas they can
> > reside. Neither are new or "advancing the state of art". Even Winmor, which
> > is relatively recent, can not co-exist with existing Winlink PactorIII; is
> > why they were told to stay out of the wide bandwidth automatic sub-bands. I
> > have not found ALE to be a problem as they stay on pre-determined
> > frequencies and actually have little traffic (no offense intended). The
> > prospect of wide bandwidth Winlink bots being able to operate on the
> > suggested frequencies is problematic and antithetical to the need for
> > frequency conservation.
> >
> > Bill N9DSJ
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

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