On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Joel Koltner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John,
> I understand that if you just provide the binaries to a customer, you must 
> give them a means to get the source code, and if they choose to distribute 
> that binary to others, they'll just pass on that original offer and hence 
> you're on the hook for providing anyone with source thereafter.  Yes?
> However...
> If I provide the binaries & source code to a customer (and make it clear that 
> the source code will always be included with any binary I deliver to them), 
> can't I just stipulate that the customer must then provide the binaries & 
> source bundled together if they choose to redistribute it?  E.g., the "offer 
> to obtain the source code" would ready something like, "you should have 
> already received the source with this binary file; if you haven't, the person 
> or company you received the binary from must provide you with the source."

This is how GPLv2 works. You're *only* obligated to provide the code
to people you provide the binaries to (on request, and at a reasonable
cost).  They are then obligated to do the same to people they directly
redistribute to. If you hand out the code with the initial copy you
have no further obligation.

v3 is even simpler in that it lets you direct people to online
repositories for off the shelf code.

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