
>> Your question doesn't make sense to me.  If your clients pay you to
>> develop source code that derives from, or partially incorporates, GPL
>> licensed code then they own the developed source, not you.  They are
>> responsible for license issues with the newly developed code.
> This is getting way off topic, but this is incorrect (assuming we are
> talking in the US).  Look up the "work for hire" doctrine in copyright
> law.  Absent a written agreement, the general notion is the clients do
> not hold copyright, but employers do.
> sort of on topic: This is why the FSF asks for a disclaimer from
> employers that code is not within the scope of employment.  My GNU Radio
> changes, and that of my project team, are assigned to FSF, but the
> assignment is from BBN since those were changes made by employees (and
> done "within the scope of employment").

I was assuming a development contract that specified the client received all 
rights to the code for which they paid
for development.

All good points that you make.  Thanks.  I should have made my assumption clear.


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