On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 08:45:30PM -0400, Mike Benonis wrote:
> On 26-Mar-10 17:07, Eric Blossom wrote:
> >It may be that you have boost installed in more than one place.
> >
> >Try using:
> >
> >   $ ./configure --with-boost=/opt/boost_1_42_0   ...
> >   $ make&&  make check&&  sudo make install
> >
> >Eric
> I've done ./configure and specified the boost location as you
> suggested, to no avail.  I've also tried with boost 1.37.0 (last
> known working version) and still get this error.
> This happens pretty late in the make process, and I feel like boost
> gets compiled in/used a lot beforehand.  So maybe this is more a
> case of a broken module or something rather than a systematic issue.
> It's also worth noting that ./configure reports that boost is in
> place and happy when it does the check.
> It might be helpful to know exactly where ld is looking for the
> boost library when it tries to link it in.  Could you shed some
> light on this, or suggest some reading for me to do?  I feel like
> understanding the root of the problem is much more useful than a
> quick fix.
> Thanks!
> Mike

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