On 28-Mar-10 14:12, Tom Rondeau wrote:

It seems very strange that you can get past configure and have this
fail on make. Have you used the "--with-boost-libdir=<dir>" option at
configure, too? Also, during configure, it should explicitly say
something like "Checking for exit in -lboost_program_options... yes".

Hi Tom,

I haven't tired --with-boost-libdir for ./configure yet, but I'll give that a shot tomorrow. I'll also dig through the configure logs and verify whether I see a specific reference to -lboost_program_options.

I think I have some reading to do on how linking works. It's been quite a while since I've done much coding and so forth...been doing EE too long.

As I said to Eric, once I make this work I'm going to try to write up an article on it and get it on the wiki.



Best regards,

Mike Benonis

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