On 29 Mar 2010, at 08:37, Tom Rondeau wrote:

> On 3/28/2010 11:28 PM, Mike Benonis wrote:
>> I'm using Ubuntu 9.10.  I had actually added /opt/boost_[version] to 
>> /etc/ld.so.conf and ran sudo ldconfig, but I have not added /usr/local/lib.  
>> Perhaps that will make a difference...we'll see tomorrow.
>> Once I get this working, I'll document exactly what I did and add it to the 
>> Wiki.
>> Thanks!
>> Mike
> I run Ubuntu 9.10 on one of my machines without any issue. This version of 
> Ubuntu has a new enough Boost that will work with GNU Radio. Why don't you 
> just install that from apt-get? It gets put in the right location for 
> configure to find without the need for any --with-boost flags.

Hmm, I haven't tried that.  What's the package called--just 'boost'?  I'll give 
it a shot today and see how it works.  Where would it put the libraries and 

Thanks for taking the time to help me out with this.


Best regards,

Mike Benonis

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