
>> How do the companies write closed-source drivers for the Linux Kernel
>> without running into GPL2 issues? I can only recall that there is a
>> "user-land" and a "kernel-land" driver, where the "kernel-land" is the
>> only part that is open source. Is this correct?
>> Perhaps that method could work well?

You can find many opinions either way.  But as you mention, "the reality on the 
ground" is that commercial outfits
often distribute binary-only versions of libraries and drivers, whether the 
license they're under actually permits
that or not.  Their argument that providing driver source would disclose 
proprietary information about their hardware
is difficult to refute.  Nvidia is one example.

I continue to think future legal rulings will invoke interoperability to 
clarify this.  Numerous people want to
interoperate with Linux and still maintain their sauce as secret.  Building 
cards that insert into servers is one
obvious example.  A smaller group of people want to interoperate similarly with 
GNU radio.  Yes there are no lawyers
posting here, but my point is these users should be supported in some formal, 
encouraged way.


> I thought GPLV2 was less onerous in this regard, and that case-law had
> established that a loadable kernel driver didn't necessarily get
>    infected by the GPL virus.  IANAL.  TINLA.  Etc.
> The last kernel driver I worked on we were planning to open-source as a
> way of encouraging people to buy  our (very closed-source!) chips.
>    Project fell apart before we hit market.  Sigh.

> --
> Marcus Leech
> Principal Investigator
> Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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