Hi community,

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 23:50, Alexander Chemeris
<alexander.cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi community,
> Our WiMAX Scanner project (http://code.google.com/p/wimax-scanner/)
> approaches the moment when we should start writing C/C++ code - our
> Matlab model decodes broadcast messages from all recordings we have on
> hands.
> At this point we have to make a choice - rely on GnuRadio or create
> our own framework. Until recently I was sure would create our own
> framework, but recent discussions on this list made me think GnuRadio
> may be an option. So, I'm looking for the community help with the the
> following questions:
> 1) How well is GnuRadio suited for packet data processing? WiMAX is
> essentially a packet-oriented system.
> 2) We don't want to use Python. Is there anything we can't do without
> it? And where can we find examples of C++-only flowgraphs?
> 3) Right now all our code is open-source, but we must leave an option
> for proprietary plugins. How can we make this possible?
> 4) Related to (3) - how can we make sure our protocol stack can be
> embedded into a closed-source application/system?

I want to add some more questions:

5) How well is GnuRadio suited for real-time operation?

5.1) Specifically - is memory allocated from heap with malloc() or it
supports non-blocking memory pools?

5.2) Can the whole flowgraph be executed from a single thread to
minimize cross-thread communication overhead (and jitter)?

Alexander Chemeris.

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