I tried this out, and it almost worked perfectly.

Two things needed fiddling:

Gnuradio and most of the python dependencies were installed for
python2.6.  My default was 2.5 so I had to switch to using the 2.6
version installed by macports.

Most of the python dependencies were installed to:

The gnuradio python stuff was installed to:
which was not on the python-path and had to be added manually.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Michael Dickens <m...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> If you use MacPorts under Mac OS X 10.5, .6, or .7, "sudo port install 
> gnuradio" should work as of this morning for installing all of the background 
> dependencies (and, version GR 3.3.0 from the tarball if that's good enough).  
> I had to fix SDCC 2.9 to work under 10.7, as well as tweak GNU Radio 3.3.0 
> tarball's configure script to correctly set the MD_CPU types under 10.7 (just 
> like when 10.6 came out).  It looks like the MD_CPU issue has been fixed 
> since the 3.3.0 release, as the current GIT master seems to build cleanly and 
> make check (as correctly as possible) on 10.7 (64 bit) with no changes (and 
> with Volk disabled).  The UDP QA code doesn't work any better on 10.7 than on 
> 10.6.  I think the primary OSX issue right now is setting the audio input 
> device sample rate using using it as an audio source.  There are a few of us 
> looking into this issue as time allows; hopefully nobody is truly dependent 
> on this feature when using OSX. - MLD
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