On Sep 25, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Ben Reynwar wrote:
> It wasn't that python2.5 didn't work, rather that macports didn't
> attempt to install gnuradio for that version.  Instead it installed
> python2.6 and setup gnuradio for that.  I've never messed about with
> macports scripts so I don't know why that might happen.

If you do "port info gnuradio", you'll see:

  gnuradio @3.3.0 (science)
  Variants: docs, python25, [+]python26, python27

which means that if you do "sudo port install gnuradio" -- install with default 
variants -- then it will do so for use with Python 2.6.  If you want to use 
gnuradio with Python 2.5, then you'll want to do "sudo port install gnuradio 

Hope that helps & makes sense. - MLD

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