On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Michael Dickens <m...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> On Sep 25, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Ben Reynwar wrote:
>> It wasn't that python2.5 didn't work, rather that macports didn't
>> attempt to install gnuradio for that version.  Instead it installed
>> python2.6 and setup gnuradio for that.  I've never messed about with
>> macports scripts so I don't know why that might happen.
> If you do "port info gnuradio", you'll see:
>  gnuradio @3.3.0 (science)
>  Variants: docs, python25, [+]python26, python27
> which means that if you do "sudo port install gnuradio" -- install with 
> default variants -- then it will do so for use with Python 2.6.  If you want 
> to use gnuradio with Python 2.5, then you'll want to do "sudo port install 
> gnuradio +python25".
> Hope that helps & makes sense. - MLD

Makes sense.  I didn't know about that.

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