On Jan 9, 2013, at 4:33 PM, Alexandru Csete <oz9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed instructions.
> I didn't have macports installed so I started from scratch. I installed 
> macports, then boost 1.51 according to your instructions. Then I try to 
> install uhd before gnuradio:
> sudo ports install uhd +libusb
> and that installs boost 1.52 :(
> If you have any advice for what I should do before continuing with gnuradio, 
> please let me know.

Hi Alexandru - You're welcome!  I'm glad to hear from OSX GNU Radio users.

Chances are that boost 1.51 is still installed, but not active in MacPorts.  
You can view all of the installed boost ports via:

  port installed boost

to verify that it's still around.  If not, try re-doing my instructions for 
installing boost 1.51.  If it is around, you can try this to make sure boost 
1.51 is the active boost:

  gg=`port installed boost | grep 51 | sed -e "s@(active)@@g"`
  sudo port activate $gg

If Boost 1.51 is already active, the above will do nothing.  If it is not 
active, it should be made so, an boost 1.52 deactivated (first).  Both GNU 
Radio and UHD work with Boost 1.51, so all you should have to do is 
(re)activate the older Boost.

You can verify which version of Boost is active via:

  port installed boost | grep active

Hope this helps! - MLD

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