Yep, I concur.  It is blazingly fast at rendering with the HackRF :)

Can we control any options on the sink? For example frequency scale, waterfall rate, etc. A callback would be nice too. I'd like to use the fosphor sink in my gr-kx3 script that I use to control my HF transceiver.

This is very cool.  Thanks.


On 27/10/13 17:12, Sylvain Munaut wrote:

However, it seems to be quite laggy, with 'chunks' of 'water' 'falling' at
about 1 second intervals and not flowing smoothly.
Yes, the FCD will not quite provide enough data for it ... It's more
aimed at very wideband SDR :p

It currently processes data in chunks of 128 * 1024 which for the FCD
is pretty big.

In lib/ , look for "128*1024", there should be 4
matches, and replace them all by 16*1024 (you can't process less than
It should improve the frame rate for very low sample rate.



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