I have tried the following commands in the terminal

Sender : benchmark_tx.py -f 2.435G -r 250k
Receiver : benchmark_rx.py -f 2.435G

But the data packets are not being sent correctly. I have been receiving
the packets as ok=false. I have tried modifying benchmark  python scripts.
Can I do the modification of those scripts or evrything needs to be given
in the command line. Please excuse me as I am slightly unable to
understand. Thanks

On Sep 18, 2015 2:21 PM, "Rama V" <ramav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply Michael. I will look into that as you have advised.
> So all you say is I need to change and play with the sampling rates and
> --tx-amplitude  until the received packet becomes 'n_rcvd=1' and CRC check
> changes to 'ok=true' from the narrowband folder?
> Regards,
> Dave
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Michael Dickens <
> michael.dick...@ettus.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dave - I'm thinking that you are confusing "--samples-per-symbol" for
>> the sample rate. I think the option you're looking for is "-r". Look at the
>> "--help" for those examples when you get a chance. - MLD
>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015, at 02:01 PM, Rama V wrote:
>> Thank you very much Michael. I will follow up on your advice. I am sorry
>> that I wasn't able to understand some parts in GNU RADIO and didn't specify
>> enough information.  Regarding the question, I have been doing the
>> benchmark in the digital/ narrowband/ folder. The exact commands I have
>> been working on are
>> Sender: benchmark_tx.py -f 2.435G --tx-gain 25 --samples-per-symbol 250000
>> Receiver: benchmark_rx.py -f 2.435G
>> When I give 250kS/s, my laptop freezes. USRP is XCVR2450. So I started to
>> give less Samples like 50kS/s so that they communicate with each other
>> without errors. But I couldn't figure out the solution to that. So I just
>> have a doubt whether I need to modify benchmark scripts or is it enough for
>> the parameters I give in the command line. Thanks for the help. Please
>> advice
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