On 03/30/2016 10:54 PM, Richard Bell wrote:
> I've asked this question a few times now on the mailing list, and each
> time I hope a different answer comes through. Each time though it's
> the answer Ron gave, which never works for me. I can't figure it out.
> So I've always resorted to the xml tags to get documentation into GRC,
> but for the reasons Tom just mentioned, would rather not do that.
> Hoping someday I figure this out.
> Rich

To help track this down, you could check if your documentation makes it
into the docstring of your SWIGged block class.
If it does here is what GRC does (see

To get the docstring into GRC involves some guess work. GRC has to find
both the module and the name of your block class from the info in the
the XML.

The current behavior is
- to run whatever you put in the <import> tags
- extract the class name from <make> by taking everything up to the
first '('
- check if objects like this exist and have a docstring

As a fail-over there is the old strategy which
- guesses module and class names from the block <key> by splitting at
the '_' and trying different combinations
- import the module
- check for matching class objects and their docstrings

Both try to take templated class names into account, like blocks with
different type suffixes (add_const_....). In these cases all docstrings
are fetched and, depending on on the parameters you set for a block,
filtered to show only matching ones, if possible.

Hope this helps.

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