Hello Dave,

Thanks for posting again. I don't know if anyone else has tried the B100
using the Windows UHD+GNU Radio binaries. Are you connected to a USB 2 only
port or to a USB 3 port? I would try a dedicated USB 2 port if possible.

Also, I don't believe that permissions issues exist to the same degree on
Windows, but can you try running uhd_find_devices in an administrator


On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Dave <davidcbas...@msn.com> wrote:

> I am trying to install GNURadio on a Windows 7,  64 bit  machine for use
> with a Ettus B100 usrp.   I used the gnuradio_3.7.9.2_win64 installer
> referenced on the GNURadio installation guide.
> When I run uhd_find_devices I get the following:
> D:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\bin>uhd_find_devices
> Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000;
> UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
> No UHD Devices Found
> When I look in my device manager I do see a USRPs device show as “Ettus
> Research LCC B100”
> I posted this issue last week on the USRP discussion list and was advised
> to make sure I had only one instance of UHD.  I discovered I had
> incorrectly installed gnuradio using the installer mentioned above and also
> installed UHD using the installer on the ETTUS website not realizing the
> GNU radio installer took care of both.  I uninstalled GNU radio and uhd and
> removed everything I could find for both.  I then re-ran the
> gnuradio_3.7.9.2_win64 installer.  I still have exactly the same problem
> shown above with the inability to find the device.
> Note:  I can successfully use gnuradio and the USRP device on this same
> computer using the LiveUSB image thus I don’t believe there are any
> hardware issues.
> Can anyone provide me more tips on how to troubleshoot my installation?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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