Hi Dave,

I'm glad that the B100 was able to be detected. If you want to confirm that
it is fully operating you could run any of the examples included with UHD,
for instance uhd_benchmark_rate or rx_samples_to_file. These are standalone
from GNU Radio so should avoid whatever Python issue may exist.

I've just noticed, the UHD version installed is Win32. I'm surprised at
this as the GNU Radio binary builds are all 64 bit. If the developer of
these Windows binary installers sees the thread hopefully he can comment.

GNU Radio is certainly easier to use on Linux or OS X, but there is a
desire to see Windows support improve over time. This may not happen
quickly, but it's a great sign that binary installers exist at all and I
believe that most if not all of the changes which were needed to make that
possible are now in the latest releases.

The binary installer at the moment includes it's own Python install in
order to minimize external dependencies and possible conflicts. I haven't
seen the "Stopped working" error before, it would be interesting to find
out why. If you have the time and curiosity, could you try running a super
simple flow graph such as a signal source into a null sink? This will have
minimal complexity and test if GNU Radio runs on it's own without any
hardware interactions. The gr_fftw_wisdom warning can be ignored.

Can you test the Python install? Here is a very simple command which should
execute. I'm on Linux so cannot test it at the moment.
python.exe -c "from gruel import pmt; print pmt"


On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Dave <davidcbas...@msn.com> wrote:

> Derek,
> More success and a new problem.  I used the example uhd_find_devices
> arguments you show below modified for my system and the device was
> correctly found.  Note the windows installer does not create a UHD folder
> in the Program Files folder but rather in the GnuRadio-3.7\share folder.
> After finding the device I tested it using the uhd_wbfm_receive example
> and got and error “python.exe has stopped working”.  Below is the
> transcript.  I guess at this point, I’m not looking for solutions.  I’m
> guessing windows installs are just not prime time yet and if we solve this
> next problem another will install issues will take its place.  However, I
> will keep reporting problems if it means something to the developers.
>   Thank you very much for your help!
> Generating: 'D:\\Program
> Files\\GNURadio-3.7\\share\\gnuradio\\examples\\uhd\\uhd_wbfm_receive.py'
> Executing: D:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u
> D:\Program
> Files\GNURadio-3.7\share\gnuradio\examples\uhd\uhd_wbfm_receive.py
> Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000;
> UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
> -- USRP-B100 clock control: 10
> --   r_counter: 2
> --   a_counter: 0
> --   b_counter: 20
> --   prescaler: 8
> --   vco_divider: 5
> --   chan_divider: 5
> --   vco_rate: 1600.000000MHz
> --   chan_rate: 320.000000MHz
> --   out_rate: 64.000000MHz
> --
> Using Volk machine: avx
> fft_impl_fftw: B[1]\Users\Dav1\AppData\Roaming\.gr_fftw_wisdom: Invalid
> argument
> *From:* Derek Kozel [mailto:derek.ko...@ettus.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 12, 2016 4:51 PM
> *To:* Dave
> *Cc:* GNURadio Discussion List
> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Installation of GNU Radio/UHD on Windows
> Hi Dave,
> That's great news. This means the B100 is being found.
> The images downloader is a Python script. Do you have a D:\Program
> Files\UHD folder? Can you look there to see if the uhd_images_downloader.py
> script is installed?
> If, and I believe this is the case, the GNU Radio binary installer you are
> using has the release version of UHD 3.9.3 then you can manually download
> the images here:
> http://files.ettus.com/binaries/images/uhd-images_003.009.003-release.zip
> I'm not sure the exact folder they should be unzipped into for the UHD
> library to find them given the custom build (UHD isn't usually in the GNU
> Radio bin folder). However you can download the files, extract them
> somewhere (into D:\Program Files\UHD\share\uhd\images if the UHD folder
> already exists) and try manually specifying the fw and fpga paths.
> For example but modify as needed:
> uhd_find_devices --args "fw= D:\Program
> Files\UHD\share\uhd\images\usrp_b100_fw.ihx,fpga= D:\Program
> Files\UHD\share\uhd\images\usrp_b100_fpga.bin"
> Regards,
> Derek
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Dave <davidcbas...@msn.com> wrote:
> Thanks Derek,
> I tried using Admin privileges and that did not make a difference.  I
> believe all the ports on my machine are USB3 however I’m not sure they use
> exactly the same hardware.  In any event I tried another one and it did
> make a difference.  I now get the message below regarding the need to run
> uhd_images_downloader.  I ran it (also below) and it indicates it needs me
> to specify a device however I have not figured out the correct way to do
> that.  Note:  All the images appear to be already on the machine in the
> share/uhd/images directory.  Also as you see below the message states to
> run C:\ProgramFiles\UHD\lib\utils\uhd_images_dowloader.py.  My installation
> is on the D: drive not the C: drive and the downloader appears to be an
> .exe file in the GNURadio-3.7\bin file.  I don’t know if something is
> looking for code in the wrong places or not.
> D:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\bin>uhd_find_devices
> Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000;
> UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
> UHD Warning:
>     Could not locate B100 firmware. As an Administrator, please run:
>     "C:\Program Files\UHD\lib\uhd\utils\uhd_images_downloader.py"
> No UHD Devices Found
> D:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\bin>uhd_image_loader.exe
> Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000;
> UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
> Error: RuntimeError: You must specify a device type.
> Thanks again,
> Dave
> *From:* Derek Kozel [mailto:derek.ko...@ettus.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 12, 2016 3:06 PM
> *To:* Dave
> *Cc:* GNURadio Discussion List
> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Installation of GNU Radio/UHD on Windows
> Hello Dave,
> Thanks for posting again. I don't know if anyone else has tried the B100
> using the Windows UHD+GNU Radio binaries. Are you connected to a USB 2 only
> port or to a USB 3 port? I would try a dedicated USB 2 port if possible.
> Also, I don't believe that permissions issues exist to the same degree on
> Windows, but can you try running uhd_find_devices in an administrator
> prompt?
> Regards,
> Derek
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Dave <davidcbas...@msn.com> wrote:
> I am trying to install GNURadio on a Windows 7,  64 bit  machine for use
> with a Ettus B100 usrp.   I used the gnuradio_3.7.9.2_win64 installer
> referenced on the GNURadio installation guide.
> When I run uhd_find_devices I get the following:
> D:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\bin>uhd_find_devices
> Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.0; Boost_106000;
> UHD_003.009.003-0-unknown
> No UHD Devices Found
> When I look in my device manager I do see a USRPs device show as “Ettus
> Research LCC B100”
> I posted this issue last week on the USRP discussion list and was advised
> to make sure I had only one instance of UHD.  I discovered I had
> incorrectly installed gnuradio using the installer mentioned above and also
> installed UHD using the installer on the ETTUS website not realizing the
> GNU radio installer took care of both.  I uninstalled GNU radio and uhd and
> removed everything I could find for both.  I then re-ran the
> gnuradio_3.7.9.2_win64 installer.  I still have exactly the same problem
> shown above with the inability to find the device.
> Note:  I can successfully use gnuradio and the USRP device on this same
> computer using the LiveUSB image thus I don’t believe there are any
> hardware issues.
> Can anyone provide me more tips on how to troubleshoot my installation?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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