I am trying to wrap my head around FM modulation, and have setup some
experiments in GNU Radio to help, but they have only raised more questions.

I am trying to achieve a peak deviation of 2400Hz using a baseband signal
of 1200Hz. In my flowgraph [here](http://imgur.com/5pzSnsq), and [here](
http://imgur.com/uBDP3kF), you can see that I've set the fm block with a
sensitivity of (2*pi*2400)/(48000), and inversely for the gain of the
quadrature demodulation block.

Using a baseband of CONSTANT 1, I get the results as expected [here](

Using a baseband of 15Hz, I also get results that I expect, (a signal
oscillating from ~-2400 to 2400Hz](http://imgur.com/VzG6bxx).

Where my results differ from what I expect, is approximately above 100Hz.
Using an baseband of 1200Hz, I no longer get a signal sweeping from -ive to
+ive, I get [a constant frequency of 1200Hz on the waterfall](
http://imgur.com/BqGsRtK), and aliased multiples.

I believe that my sample frequency of 48000 is sufficient as my mf is 2400,
and baseband is 1200.

BW is (2 * (1200 + 2400)) = 7200Hz
Nyquist is 2*BW = 14400Hz

So, what am I doing wrong?  Thanks in advance!
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