On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Brashendeavours <brashendeavo...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> My next question then, is since the deviation is affected by both
> amplitude and frequency, how would you recommend I empirically
> determine/set a peak deviation of 2400Hz for 1200Hz baseband?

The *deviation* is determined by the modulating signal and the modulator
sensitivity only. The overall *bandwidth*, which I assume is what you
actually want to control, is larger than that, and also depends on at what
point you consider a sideband too weak to care about (the sidebands
theoretically spread out across the entire spectrum, so you have to cut off
your counting — or apply a filter — at *some* point).

I'm afraid I'm not the person to explain how to do what you want in more
detail — I can spot some wrong notions but that's not the same as having
all the right ones. Perhaps someone else can comment.
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