Hello all
I am new to the GNU Radio community.
I am starting an effort to implement a receiver using GNU Radio for the
amateur radio whose transmitter operates in G3RUH mode with 2-FSK
modulation and AX25 data format.
I designed the project to learn GNU Radio as well as to
contribute something to the SmallSat Community of my institution Indian
Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST).

Is anyone else working on the same configurations ?

Anyone who can guide me through the procedural steps I should take to
design this receiver(G3RUH mode with 2-FSK and AX25 data format)?

As a background information :
The AX.25 protocol is a standard for encoding the data that includes a
message header,station callsign, destination callsign, message and a simple
The system is widely used for position reporting of the amateur stations

Looking for a directive path to move ahead and a positive response.

Thanks and Regards
Yugal Joshi
B. Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)
India  - 695547

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