By far the most common APRS RF mode is 1200 baud AFSK, but 9600 baud FSK also exists as a faster and slightly more modern option. There's a decent, but not great, number of repeaters and internet gateways in place for the 9600 some radios support both.

On 12/08/2020 13:36, Adrian Musceac wrote:
Hi Derek,

Isn't APRS 1200 baud though? 9600 baud packet is quite uncommon nowadays here, historically it was used for BBS access.
I'm also interested in this APRS transceiver.


On August 12, 2020 12:12:09 PM UTC, Derek Kozel <> wrote:

    Hi Yugal,

    gr-ax25 was just updated this month to start supporting the
    development version of GR 3.9 and if you look one commit back it
    is is compatible with 3.7, so it does look like it's skipping 3.8.
    Still, it's a valuable reference for you as you look to create
    your own implementation.

    I'd suggest starting by making a transmitter first and testing it
    by receiving using existing software. Page 21 onwards here seems
    to have a good description of the modulator and demodulator.

    I'm excited to see you implement this. It'd be great to see more
    support for the 9600 baud AX25 mode that is used for APRS. It may
    not be as good of performance as more modern modes, but there's a
    bunch of hardware that supports it.

    If you're interested in APRS specifically, by far the best
    reference I know of is W6KWF Kenneth Finnegan's masters thesis on
    the protocol.


    On 12/08/2020 05:29, Yugal Joshi wrote:
    Hello Jeff
    Thanks for replying

    From what I learned in last two days in GNU Radio, it looks like
    gr-25 is an OOT module.
    gr-25 works with GR 3.9 and pybinds and I am using GR

    Also I want to implement G3RUH  2FSK AX25 using the core modules
    of GRC or programming  new OOTs so that I can improve my learning

    Any help would be appreciated from the community.

    Thanks and Regards

    Yugal Joshi

    On Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 4:45 am Jeff Long, <
    <>> wrote:

        Have you already take a look at this?

        On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 4:13 PM Yugal Joshi
        < <>>

            Hello all
            I am new to the GNU Radio community.
            I am starting an effort to implement a receiver using GNU
            Radio for the amateur radio whose transmitter operates in
            G3RUH mode with 2-FSK modulation and AX25 data format.
            I designed the project to learn GNU Radio as well as to
            contribute something to the SmallSat Community of my
            institution Indian Institute of Space Science and
            Technology (IIST).

            Is anyone else working on the same configurations ?

            Anyone who can guide me through the procedural steps I
            should take to design this receiver(G3RUH mode with 2-FSK
            and AX25 data format)?

            As a background information :
            The AX.25 protocol is a standard for encoding the data
            that includes a message header,station callsign,
            destination callsign, message and a simple CRC-16.
            The system is widely used for position reporting of the
            amateur stations

            Looking for a directive path to move ahead and a positive

            Thanks and Regards
-- Yugal Joshi
            B. Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
            Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)
            India  - 695547

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