We might hide or we might discuss ... jamming systems are less than 10 euros on 
amazon [0]
for any script-kiddie to play with including myself [1]. Why anyone one would 
want to 
implement this in SDR rather than a NE555+VCO is beyond my understanding by why 
not ...
we even got to reverse engineer such a device to check its performance. The 
will pay you for doing this [2] (and a bit more) so rather than hiding from the 
world we might as well face it and educate users.

My (useless) 2 cents, but thank you for the most informative reference and its 

[1] http://jmfriedt.free.fr/misc_deleurrage.pdf [in French] on GPS jamming and 
jamming cancellation
 [in French]

JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000 Besancon, 

January 17, 2021 6:24 PM, "Aditya Arun Kumar" <adityaarunkumar...@gmail.com> 

> Hi Derek,
> Yeah, I accept all the things, after all, I have to, as I tend to wireless 
> systems and their
> security and some more stuff with regards to radios and SDR and things. But 
> what I suggest is that
> we guys start a separate application/discussion area for these kinds of 
> things (because I
> personally as well to some extent historically believe[ 
> https://doi.org/10.1080/03071847709428739
> ]) that this must be an integral part of the ecosystem. I accept the part 
> where one needs to have
> proper RF enclosures or a SCIF to conduct these emission experiments (unless 
> it a wide range of
> open testing).
> I propose that we have a separate discussion for things like this, just for 
> educational purposes,
> because I feel that there is too much "Telecommunications" research 
> happening, but very quiet a
> limited discussion regarding "What is the best way to build a signal for a 
> jammer from its spectra"
> or "What happens in spatial resolution compromise in a RADAR system and how 
> this can be a problem".
> Basically, I am trying to say let's break the taboo about the discussion 
> about EW and SIGINT and
> ELINT using SDR and GRC. After all, radios are fun.
> This part goes to Mr.Robert
> In my humble opinion sir, I don't agree with you not one bit. Technology is a 
> dual-edged sword, and
> radio is a knife with jagged and pointy edges everywhere. There is no concept 
> of morality (at least
> it cannot be quantified by any metric). EW is an integral part of our life 
> now. And people who are
> into it can and should be able to learn it, no matter what, no matter the 
> cost. This is knowledge
> and as I can say GRC taught me a lot, in terms of learning and sharing their 
> knowledge be it in
> blogs or conferences or this mail list. In fact, this kind of question needs 
> to be encouraged but
> with significant warning labels around them.
> On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 9:32 PM Robert Heerekop <robertheere...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> To my humble opinion, this is simply not allowed and must therefore from a 
>> moral point-a-view not
>> be promoted.
>> Op zo 17 jan. 2021 16:29 schreef Aditya Arun Kumar 
>> <adityaarunkumar...@gmail.com>:
>>> On a serious note, I know that all of us know how to build a jammer, in 
>>> case of questions like this
>>> how do we deal with it?
>>> I mean I can do both sides, in the spirit of sharing the knowledge I think 
>>> that someone should tell
>>> the person who is doing it on how to build a jammer (in this case) or 
>>> should we not help the
>>> person?
>>> Or should we condemn these acts?
>>> On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 10:15 AM Doug McGarrett <dmcgarr...@optonline.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 1/16/21 10:58 PM, paulles...@mailo.com wrote:
>>>>> Mailo *1 fichier disponible au téléchargement*
>>>>> * hackrf2.png (35 Ko)
>>>>> Vous pouvez télécharger ce fichier en cliquant sur ce lien ou en le
>>>>> copiant dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur
>>>> <https://www.mailo.com/attachlinks.php?id=MTg2NDQuPGVhLW1pbWUtNjAwM2I1Y2ItMTRjNS0yN2Q0OGNlZUB3d3ctMS
>>>> tYWlsby5jb20%2b>
>>>> https://www.mailo.com/attachlinks.php?id=MTg2NDQuPGVhLW1pbWUtNjAwM2I1Y2ItMTRjNS0yN2Q0OGNlZUB3d3ctMS5
>>>> YWlsby5jb20%2b
>>>>> Ce lien restera valable pendant 30 jours.
>>>>> Hello, I have build a VCO jammer using gnuradio and I would like to
>>>>> emit the jamming signal on a Wi-Fi channel but nothing is being emitted.
>>>>> Can anyone please help me ?
>>>>> I am newbie to signal processing.
>>>>> PL
>>>> Probably even in France it is illegal to jam radio signals. I sure hope
>>>> that NOBODY helps you!
>>>> --doug
>>> --
>>> S. Aditya Arun KumarSecurity Researcher, Comms+919123517465
> --S. Aditya Arun KumarSecurity Researcher, Comms+919123517465

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