I've tried it on both Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04, so I don't think it's due to the Python version.

You could try the latest pygccxml. Use pip or pip3 to install.

You could also try building CastXML from source. That's where some of the compiler dirty work is being done. For example, you need the latest CastXML for gcc 11.


You'll need to install clang and libclang-xx-dev (where xx matches the version of clang that was installed).


On 12/14/21 2:57 AM, Fabien PELLET wrote:
Is that could be an incompatibility between Python3.7 that is provide by RaspiOS repo and Pybind11 ?


Le 14/12/2021 à 11:54, Marcus Müller a écrit :
Uh, since bindtool is Python-only, this should really not be platform-dependent. Unless we've got a problem with pygccxml, that is...

On 14/12/2021 11.51, Ron Economos wrote:
I've never been able to get gr_modtool bind to work on 32-bit ARM architecture (Ubuntu on a Beagleboard-X15). I get the same error message.


On 12/14/21 2:15 AM, Fabien PELLET wrote:

I'm trying to write a simple OOT module. For exemple, I create a module "test" (gr-modtool newmod test) and I create a general block inside (gr-modtool add blablamodule) : everything fine up to this point.

If now I modify the file "blablamodule.h" I have do a "gr_modtool bind blablamodule" to update the file "blablamodule_python.cc" that is in python/bindings" (if I do not do this, the cmake will complain). I get in return after the parsing of my file "blablamodule.h" the following error :

ERROR error occured, while parsing element with name "Field" and attrs "['id', 'name', 'type', 'context', 'access', 'offset']"
Error: 'file'.

After several try without any success, I delete all file and recreate the module and the block using gr-modtool and then I try just after creating it without modifying it to execute "gr_modtool bind blablamodule" inside the fresh newly created module directory.... Same error !

I read that I need to get pybind11 with a version > 2.5 so I install it from source the v2.8 (well recognized as a cmake command tell that it detects the v2.8.1).

I'm on a raspberry PI4 with GNURADIO 3.9.4, PYTHON 3.7.3, PYBIND11 2.8.1. What am I doing wrong ?

I try on a other computer with GNURADIO 3.9.3, PYTHON 3.8.10 and I do not see the research of PYBIND11 but "gr_modtool bind blablamodule" is working well....

Thanks for your help,

Best regards,

Fabien, F4CTZ.

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