Working actualy with 3.9.5rc1 with kernel 5.15 PREEMPT-RT on RPI4 4G.

Best regards,
Fabien, F4CTZ

---- jmfriedt a écrit ----

>GNU Radio 3.9 is now available for embedded boards (including Raspberry
>Pis) in the BR2_EXTERNAL repository at 
>and has been tested (on Raspberry Pi 4) with the 3.9 port of gr-acars
>and gr-rpitx as will be presented at FOSDEM. Of course further testing
>is needed to make sure all operational conditions are met until 3.9
>becomes the official GNU Radio release by Buildroot.
>Best, JM
>JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000
>Besancon, France

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