> I am wondering if it is possible to reliably make another gnuradio
> instance on a low powered computer (like a intel minipc or raspberry
> pi) to interface with the SDR and be connected to the high end cpu
> laptop via a lan cable. This would allow the laptop to be placed far
> away easing physical constraints and also allow easier management.
> Could someone point me at flowgraphs that would allow this?

I try to show at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8dqgqO4TuI starting
at 9:30 how to stream data from GNU Radio using ZeroMQ
publish/subscribe, in my case to external Python software which could
very well be remote if the IP address is not, but will be
even easier to implement if the client is another GNU Radio flowchart.
I am currently doing exactly that: recording on a Raspberry Pi and
streaming to a more powerful computer for processing (again from a
dedicated Python script rather than another GNU Radio instance, e.g
around 45 min of that video).

Best, JM

JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000
Besancon, France

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