
Gregory Casamento wrote:
I would very much like to see our interface changed to something
everyone can be in love with.   This is only good for the project.
Our out of the box experience with users SUCKS ROCKS and this is
something we need to think about.

I agree on that statement! the problem is that the whole thread here shows that nobody here agrees with the other one on how to improve it. Some say look, some say application, some say configuration tools, some want this, that, whatever.

Thus, well, for sure we can improve our applications, our preferences and our theming capabilities and support so that we can make more people happy. And also a way to set these as a default.

And, to be honest, I am working extremely hard on this night and day in the past years and other like Richard and Fred helped mightly on the core side.

I have never liked Jesse's theme. You do. The only solution is that you can run it easily and without issues.
Somebody wants the Tango theme? Activating it shall be one click.
Gael or Adam want a clean classic theme? Fine too... and we all know that even our default theme is lacking. For Gnome-like theme it will be never as perfect, but it shouldn't be hard either.

Everybody wants improved and more applications.

After all, the experience is the sum of all that: "applications" which have a "feel" and have a "look". The experience is a sum of all that. Since we lack a bit on everything, but especially on the application and smoothness side, the rest becomes more evident too.


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