I'm going to weigh in here in the UI discussions. I come from a mainly user
background. A couple observations. Yes gnustep is a bit ugly, but that's
not really my biggest concern. I have been trying to run GNUStep as a
desktop environment mostly to replace OSX on Linux. It is not a viable
replacement at this time. My reasons are this: I can only open a single
terminal tab per terminal window (this is causing my screens to get
cluttered even though I have huge screen real estate 2.5k/4k monitors).
Lack of a web browser (if I run any third party browser my Apple style
horizontal menu disappears. This is extremely annoying, Mantella will not
compile with modern firefox and wrapping a browser is beyond my programming
capabilities). Lack of tools to configure simple desktop settings such as
xrandr, pulseaudio and network-manager (gnustep needs arandr ported to it,
preferably as a SystemPreferences.app module) These are all things which
destroy the user experience for me. The theme isn't that important to me, I
want GNUStep because I can use it to run as Apple style, Windows style or
Next style, throw an Amiga Style, and a tablet style in and you've covered
all of the deskop UI styles most people want to run these days.

On 29 November 2015 at 18:10, Gregory Casamento <greg.casame...@gmail.com>

> Riccardo,
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Riccardo Mottola
> <riccardo.mott...@libero.it> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Gregory Casamento wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I absolutely want "our" menus, they are distinctive and useful and if I
> >>> were
> >>> >to make a reference distribution, I'd want to retain that.
> >>
> >> They are OLD.   More important than their usefulness is what they
> >> invoke and that is they make people think that we are NeXTSTEP and
> >> OPENSTEP only.  Like it or not our old look is part of our problem.
> >> I'm sorry you don't like this fact, but it is based on tons of first
> >> hand observation over the last ten years.
> >
> >
> > I'm sorry you mix look and with interface design. Facts and factoids.
> Which are factoids?  All of the observations from people at the
> events, on twitter, etc... are based on personal experience.   I hear
> it every day.  Not factoids... these are widely held opinions.  I'm
> sorry you don't want to believe it.
> > Actually, our menus are NEW, they are newer than in-window menus and
> > one-menu-bar on the top which came from Mac and Motif/OS2/Windows. They
> have
> > close parents and predecessors (e.g. SGI menus, Amiga menus) but NeXT
> made
> > them consistent.
> They are from 1985.  Sorry, they evoke images of the past.
> > The interaction with our menus makes NeXT & GNUstep distinctive and as
> > trying to port applications back and forth it allows for a unique
> > interaction. It allows, for example to have very smooth document based
> > applications which are impossible to achieve (as still the latest office
> > suite of a big software company proves) with in-window menus.
> > It offers the same functionality as a top menu bar, but is more flexible
> and
> > works well with big screens or multiple-screens. We do not need to invent
> > things like "tearable menus" and even "palettes" are not strictly
> necessary.
> Distinctive, perhaps.   Perhaps there is a way we could make them more
> modern and still keep them next like.  I am not advocating getting rid
> of them or going for in-window or menu-bar menus (on the top of the
> screen)... what I'm suggesting is something like what was originally
> proposed by Jesse a few years ago in the attached file.
> > Thus, playing the same song is of no good for anybody.
> I would very much like to see our interface changed to something
> everyone can be in love with.   This is only good for the project.
> Our out of the box experience with users SUCKS ROCKS and this is
> something we need to think about.
> > Riccardo
> GC
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com
> http://ind.ie/phoenix/
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