On 10 6 2004 at 5:54 pm -0400, Robert L Mathews wrote:

>This service is something I'd consider offering to my customers if it 
>generated pages in plain (decent!) HTML. I couldn't sell something that 
>required that the customer's visitors have JavaScript enabled, though; 
>we'd get tons of complaints.

I have to agree.  To be honest, while the Page Builder product is a great
idea, I would probably be embarrassed to promote this kind of output from
it.  I understand the consumer-loyalty philosophy, but brain-dead markup
is not something I would want to trumpet as a hallmark of a new product

As Ed said, I prefer to offer a quality service and let my customers
choose for themselves to keep using it on those merits.

I mean really, do we need to trick our customers into using it once and
then finding they have to stick with it?  A clueful customer who wants to
"steal" the HTML would simply take the time to write it himself in the
first place.  It seems to me that the audience for this kind of service
is going to be the non-techie (can't figure out FrontPage) or the broke
(can't afford to hire a designer) who wants a simple UI to cobble
together a page.  If this customer starts using Page Builder and likes
it, they would likely stick with it.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

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