On 7/28/2004 10:04 PM Dave Warren noted that:

> How about where the domain is owned by a company rather then an > individual? It's common for a company to use the company name as the > "real name", and/or a roll account.

In this case, the Administrative Contact would be required to authorize the request. This is a big change over the current policy where basically anyone can hold themselves out to be a representative of the registrant. The new policy tightens this down significantly...example...


Registrant: Microsoft Corp.
Admin Contact: Joe Smith, System Admin
Transfer authorized by: Bill Gates, on behalf of "Microsoft Corp."

Technically, this is an illegitimate authorization. Even though Bill is authorized to act on Microsoft's behalf, the only real party authorized to transfer this name is the admin contact seeing as how the Registrant really can't authorized it themselves (being that its a company, not a person...)



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