----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Swerve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'OpensrsDiscuss'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Auto locking: was Re: OpenSRS Live Reseller Update
[OpenSRS] - 29/07/2004

> > For me, both whois and domain availability should be a priority for
the RWI
> > interface.  I've been a reseller using the RWI for 4 and a half years.
> > these type of fundamental tools should have been implemented years
> We should remember that the RWI (aka quickstart) was intended to allow
> someone to get started right away while they installed the client code
> their own custom system.  I'm a bit surprised that you've been putting
> with using the RWI for so long without installing at least the client
> code.  ;)

Why go through the hassle of installing and maintaining the client code if
you don't plan on offering automated online sales of domain names?  We
went that route originally, but it was hardly worth the effort.
Installation of the generic code wasn't that big a deal but customization
and maintenance was a nightmare.  I seem to recall that at one time the
RWI was purposely crippled to encourage resellers to install the client
code.  I don't know if that's true today.

I haven't been following the development of the code in recent years, or
the direction that Tucows has taken with code and API, but I gather that
to this day it's _still_ not a turnkey solution in that online credit card
payment hasn't been incorporated into the system.

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