Hi all,
I'm Croatian translation coordinator for OOo, and I support The Document
Foundation and LibreOffice.

I have question on this topic.
Is there any possibility that Oracle *can* sue OpenOffice.org
contributor who signed a contract about sharing the contributor's
copyright only because contributor decide to contribute to LibO with
same content, too?
For example,
I signed contract with Sun Microsystems.
Oracle has bought Sun Microsystems.
I contribute Croatian translation to OOo.
Same content + new translation I contribute to LibO.
Can I be sued?

Robetr Sedak

On 2.10.2010 21:01, Dr. Bernhard Dippold wrote:
> Hi all,
> just starting to collect additional FAQ entries to be added to 
> http://www.documentfoundation.org/faq/
> Please provide questions and answers you think to be important, improve my 
> wordings and content, if I'm not clear enough or simply wrong.
> -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
> Q: What are copyright agreements (CA/JCA/SCA) with Oracle and why are they 
> counterproductive to OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice and FOSS?
> A: Every contributor to OpenOffice.org code has to sign a contract about 
> sharing the contribution's copyright with Oracle. As this agreement can't be 
> retracted it covers all future contributions too. This allows Oracle to 
> behave as the copyright owner, claiming copyright infringement and other 
> legal rights.
> On the other hand this agreement allows them to release the contribution 
> under any license they want to, including proprietary ones, without the 
> contributor having any right to refuse it.
> -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
> Best regards
> Bernhard
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