
All the best,

On 2.10.2010 21:47, André Schnabel wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 02.10.2010 21:25, schrieb Robert Sedak:
>> For example,
>> I signed contract with Sun Microsystems.
>> Oracle has bought Sun Microsystems.
>> I contribute Croatian translation to OOo.
>> Same content + new translation I contribute to LibO.
>> Can I be sued?
> No. Even if you signed a copyright agreement (either the JCA or most
> recent SCA) you have the right whatever you want to do with your
> contributions.
> As the translation strings of OOo are under LGPL (as well as the code)
> it is allowed to reuse this in LibO. But I'd recommend that existing
> translations should be handled via SourceCode management (we will
> include latest changes from OOo soon) and then you start contributing
> new strings at LibO (as soon as we have set up our own infrastructure).
> regards,
> André
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