On Sunday 03 Oct 2010 20:55:11 Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 19:21 +1300, Graham Lauder wrote:
> > Antonio,
> > You in fact wear the best argument for a unique name in your sig.  Who is
> > arguably the most successful Open Source company:  Red Hat
> > 
> > What in gods name does a Red Hat have to do with software other than give
> > them a really cool logo.
> > 
> > This discussion is indicative, much of marketing is about creating buzz. 
> > I would like a name that leads to a logo that is sexy enough for people
> > to use as a desktop background, Redhat does and Fedora and Firefox.  I
> > was looking at the "LibO" abbreviation and the thing that I suddenly saw
> > was LbD, or LBD which is abrreviation for "Little Black Dress", suddenly
> > I see a very cool logo and marketing campaign and a buzz.  One great
> > thing is that LBD is cool to both men and women, both groups tend to
> > like the way they look.
> > 
> > What has it to do with Office suites? About the same amount that Computer
> > Operating systems have to do with Hats.
> > 
> > But dang what a buzz it would cause:  An office suite that was sexy, now
> > THAT would be cool to market.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > GL
> Graham, you & I think alike! But I should have thought of Red Hat when I
> was hurling out examples. And... Hmmm.... a sexy office suite? I'm sure
> someone could manage that, without it being also sexist.
> Cheers, Jean

Heh, As soon as I thought of it, I thought Jean is going to burn me for this!  

But then I thought Oh well No Pain No Gain.  :D


Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)
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