On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 11:16 +1000, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-10-04, Graham Lauder <yori...@openoffice.org> wrote:
> > Document Foundation is obviously cast in stone because that is a legal 
> > entity 
> > but the product name should be up for discussion right now when it's most 
> > sensible.
> Being pedantic here, according to Sophie in a note on a thread titled
> '[Legalese] "Foundation" or "Group"?' on Oct 1, the Document Foundation
> is not in fact a legal entity yet. (I was surprised to read this.)


> > Currently it's a group and the Foundation is not up yet, we will set 
> > it up with the community members who wish to contribute to it. We are
> > planing to write a charter,  organization, governance, duties, etc...
> > not only the small group who has launched the project, but all of the
> > people who are willing to be part of the Foundation.
> > [...]
> > For the moment, the German association is helping us to structure the 
> > whole thing and have a legal backup, but we still have a lot of work 
> > to move to an official foundation.
> --Jean

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