Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:

>> If you take it a face value then there is no way that Oracle is going
>> to hand over the trademark or anything else to the community that has
>> helped build it.  Do they actually think that "they" did all the work
>> to get that 100 million users?  Yet there are some that hold to the
>> idea.
> No, they think they *bought* all the work. They have good reasons to
> remain silent. We should accept that, stop thinking about it and go
> ahead.

Please remind that Oracle is used to play in the corporate marketplace,
where the time has a different meaning. They want 15 days to approve a
quote in a press release, against two days requested by Microsoft (is
just an example).

In addition, they are used to "own" everything they buy. Look at what
has happened to PeopleSoft and Siebel, whose brands have disappeared
from the market.

If you spend a couple of hours reading online interviews to Larry
Ellison, you will be enlightened on the subject.

Italo Vignoli
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