On 09/10/10 02:41 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 10/09/2010 12:38 PM, jonathon wrote:
OOo in the official Ubuntu repository is version 3.1. In the PPA 3.2 is
Actually, for the current stable (LTS) released version of Ubuntu
(Lucid) the version is 3.2.0 (3.2.1 in proposed):
If you are only at 3.1, then you probably are still using Karmic (9.10)?
Or haven't updated in some time.
And IMO that is the point. Distributions will only incorporate into the releases what /they feel/ is appropriate.
The Ubuntu PPA becomes the catchall for what users want.

The point here is how can DocumentFoundation simply put the latest/greatest LibreOffice into the hands of the most users?

Scott Furry

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