On Wednesday 03 Nov 2010 06:11:02 Peter Rodwell wrote:
> Hi Cor:
> >> 2. Search and replace. I work with large documents, often 400+ pages.
> [snip]
> > OK, that is easy to handle with a trick as user, but possibly also an
> > relative easy fix (1)?
> As I said, when you have to do this constantly, dozens of times a day, it
> does become a real issue.
> I would have thought it quite simple to save the current position, do the
> search and replace then return to the previously-saved position. After
> all, if MS can do it then it can't be very difficult. :)
> P.

There is an extension which is pretty much a compulsory install  on any OOo 
instance l use and it does what you ask here.



Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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