Hi, :-)

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 20:58, Christian Lohmaier
<lohmaier+ooofut...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Stefan already pointed out that it is not a /test/ site. It is the
> site under construction.

It's a "test" site in the sense that work is in progress, and that
nothing is stable right now. It's staging site. Since there are
various people wanting to contribute work to the task, and there is no
clear coordination, there are bound to be occasions when the front end
content shifts. But let's remember this: it takes 2 mouse clicks to
unpublish a page, and 2 more to put another page online in its place.
The important thing is not to act like a vandal and go deleting pages
that people have put time into developing.

> Also I'm kind of puzzled to read your message in the
> documentfoundation irc channel backlog
> "Marc did the website guys ever get an IA figured out for the
> SilverStripe site?"

Well I'm kind of puzzled that after weeks and weeks, scores of
messages in the lists and various conference calls, there's very
little concrete progress with producing content.

> As you've been participating in the conf-calls, have been following
> the list, etc. I wonder what went so wrong that this isn't clear?

See previous remark.

> So the placeholder pages on the site *are* reflecting the IA that was
> laid out for the site.

Sorry, buddy, but I don't see any IA there that gives me a clue as to
how to start writing copy without working at cross purposes with the
intentions of.... whoever the heck is supposed to be coordinating this

> Now as to calling it a testing site - I'm not sure whether it is just
> poorly chosen wording, or a real misunderstanding on your part. Again
> I'm puzzled where that impression comes from. I think I always

Maybe the impression that it's a testing and development site comes
from the domain name "test.libreoffice.org" Or does this seem a
far-fetched understanding to you? ;-)

> Obviously I suck at communicating the important parts :-(

Well, you're certainly not alone in this tendency... It's due to the
lack of structure and organization in TDF at this present time.

> So again: test.libreoffice.org is the real site under construction. No
> other content is available, the content will not be moved to another
> site. The only change that will be done is changing the DNS name from
> test.libreoffice.org to libreoffice.org. Nothing else will change.

Thanks, that much I knew...

>> +1 for getting the site online by the end of the week! ;-)
> I'd love to have it ready by then. So let's focus on one page at a time.

OK, cool, now you're talking practical cooperation.

> I propose the following, i.e. focus the work on individual pages this week:
> * Home/Welcome page: Start now, continue till sunday (I'd like to have
> some nice graphics there, some updated buttons)

Sure, can do. I'll start thinking about copy to write. And I think I
have a practical idea for the buttons that will fit in with the
current look. Do you have the source files of those current buttons?
Not a critical problem if not...

By the way, could you fix that problem about the missing CSS style
sheet(s) I mentioned in the ohter thread? You did say that if
additional styles were needed then you'd fix the problem. So far you
didn't even reply to that thread.

> * Wednesday is Contribute page time.
> * Thursday is for Support
> * Friday for the FAQ
> Of course no hard limits, but the goal is to have the corresponding
> page "ready for the end-user" at the end of the day.

Great, Christian. I'll be happy to cooperate and produce. Maybe we can
actually make some headway and get this site operational before
Christmas at least?

David Nelson

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