Magnus ,

No programmer skils needed here:

- dowload GSview
- open a EPS picture with GSview
- Change the "MEDIA" "Diplay settings" to 500 dpi and use 24 bits/pixel
- goto "FILE" and convert PS to EPS who ask for a new file name (the helpinfo explains the whole thing) - trie to import the new file in LO and check the difference in Previeuw quality when not OK then trie other Display settings

Hope it helps

Ferna    nd

Fernand: "when the PDF is made with the Postscript output, then it's using
vector graphic parts of the picture not the preview!"

OK, I see; then I would simply like to request a better preview. I
understand the file size of the ODT document goes up, but I would prefer
that instead of the current situation. It would be interesting to find out
how small an improvement in preview resolution would yield an enough good
result for me. Are you a programmer, Fernand? May I ask you to look into

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