I know what you are going through, as I to have tried to unsubscribe, as some of the people on this forum do not have a great education an become quite abusive. It is not worth being on this forum, when it is taken to the lowest common denominator.

On 9/03/2011 6:10 PM, Bill Sippo wrote:
NoOp<glgxg<at>  sbcglobal.net>  writes:

Of late there are multiple posts on the users list regarding mail list
subscribe and unsubscribe issues.

............................... However, the
current issue of mail list subscribers not being able to
subscribe/unsubscribe/modify user settings/etc in mlmmj as they can in
mailman is an issue.........
When I subscribed I received the following:
From: discuss+help<at>  documentfoundation.org
Welcome! You have been subscribed to the
discuss<at>  documentfoundation.org
To unsubscribe send a message to:
discuss+unsubscribe<at>  documentfoundation.org
Let's please discuss&  nip this issue in the bud now/early before the
lists/users grow&  can no longer be managed properly.

Gary Lee

A while back I joined the users mail list, and since then have been receiving
in my in-box each day a large number of messages, more than I can handle, so
I've been trying to unsubscribe.  I'm using the information and unsubscribe
link from the bottom of each message received; tried all sorts of ways of
using the link, but nothing has had the slightest effect or drawn any
response.  Can't think of anything else to do, so would appreciate any helpw
hich might save me from the daily deluge.

Bill Sippo

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