Allen Pulsifer wrote:
> The seeds of that fork were germinated in the Go-Oo project, which
> created patches and enhancements that were not contributed back to
> the official OOo distribution.  That became a full fork when the
> LibreOffice project was started by importing all of the OOo source
> code into a new repository.
Hi Allen - will that story never die? The creation of the TDF and
LibreOffice was a movement far above and beyond Go-Oo. It just
happened to assimilate that code (and much more).

> Also, if you are going to talk about a split in the community, you
> should mention that TdF and LibreOffice were created in secret,
> without any public discussions or community input.
Factually incorrect. Large parts of the community were involved
setting up the idea - but you don't discuss e.g. trademark issues on
a public list, if you want to stand a chance actually obtaining it.
What's more, and pointed out in this very thread - TDF is still in
the process of being fully established, and *all* things, like
bylaws, location etc. were available for discussion on public lists.


-- Thorsten

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