Ah, so this is the Yes men project I'd been hearing about?

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Seth Johnson <

> November 12, 2008
>  * PDF: http://www.nytimes-se.com/pdf
>  * For video updates: http://www.nytimes-se.com/video
>  * Contact: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Early this morning, commuters nationwide were delighted to find out
> that while they were sleeping, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had
> come to an end.
> If, that is, they happened to read a "special edition" of today's New
> York Times.
> In an elaborate operation six months in the planning, 1.2 million
> papers were printed at six different presses and driven to prearranged
> pickup locations, where thousands of volunteers stood ready to pass
> them out on the street.
> Articles in the paper announce dozens of new initiatives including the
> establishment of national health care, the abolition of corporate
> lobbying, a maximum wage for C.E.O.s, and, of course, the end of the
> war.
> The paper, an exact replica of The New York Times, includes
> International, National, New York, and Business sections, as well as
> editorials, corrections, and a number of advertisements, including a
> recall notice for all cars that run on gasoline. There is also a
> timeline describing the gains brought about by eight months of
> progressive support and pressure, culminating in President Obama's
> "Yes we REALLY can" speech. (The paper is post-dated July 4, 2009.)
> "It's all about how at this point, we need to push harder than ever,"
> said Bertha Suttner, one of the newspaper's writers. "We've got to
> make sure Obama and all the other Democrats do what we elected them to
> do. After eight, or maybe twenty-eight years of hell, we need to start
> imagining heaven."
> Not all readers reacted favorably. "The thing I disagree with is how
> they did it," said Stuart Carlyle, who received a paper in Grand
> Central Station while commuting to his Wall Street brokerage. "I'm all
> for freedom of speech, but they should have started their own paper."
> # 30 #
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