Hello Schulz-San,
(BCharles-H.Schulz wrote:
(B> (Charles is blushing and very sad to have made such a mistake. He
(B> thought "Ono" was a female name, like in "Yoko Ono". Apologies)
(BDon't worry about it.
(BPlease forgive me, your name reminds me of the world famous
(Bbeagle. I apologize.
(BEntre nous, "Ono" is my/her family name.
(B(Yoko Ono is really good artist, I think. I like her art.)
(B>>But when I use OpenOffice.org, I can't help admiring it.
(B> Can we use this sentence on our marketing banners and logos? :-)
(B>>I can write Java a little.
(B>>OOo will become good frontend of SQL client, I thought.
(B>>Finally I found, I might be able to help something or somebody.
(B>>Please visit my web site.
(B>>I put up some screenshots.
(B> I think that what you're doing is very interesting and should be
(B> advertised much more in the wider community. I think some people would
(B> like to volunteer to this. What do you think? Should we "go public" and
(B> ask for participation? Eventually a link allowing to download the client
(B> should be put at several places on openoffice.org (Japanese project,
(B> http://dba.openoffice.org and elsewhere)
(BThank you. But there are some problems.
(B1. My coding has not finished yet.(Now it's beta version.)
(B2. This program is written for Japanese.
(B  (It's not difficult to make it  multilingual technically but...
(B   The code and documents are in Japanese.
(B   It's too difficult to translate them for me.)
(B3. I'm not good at English.
(BI will "go public" when I finish my program.
(BMaybe at first, I'll ask Japanese OpenOffice.org project
(Bto link my site.
(BI thank your offer very much.
(B---- in Japanese$B!J$3$&[EMAIL PROTECTED](B ----
(B> $B!V$*$N(B $B$h!<$3!W$5$s$H$$$&M-L>$JF|[EMAIL PROTECTED],$$$k$N$G!"[EMAIL 
(B> $BA0$+$H;W$$$^$7$?!#(B
(B> $B$4$a$s$J$5$$!#(B
(B# $B%9%L!<%T!<$,EP>l$9$k%^%s%,!V%T!<%J%C%D!W$N:n[EMAIL PROTECTED];W$$$^$9!#(B
(B1. $B%W%m%0%i%`$,[EMAIL PROTECTED]@&BHG!K(B
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(B[EMAIL PROTECTED];=QE*$K$OFq$7$/$J$$$N$G$9$,!"%=!<%9%3!<%I$d(B
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