Hello Ono-San,

On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 03:50 +0900, mAkotoOno wrote:
> Hello Schulz-San,
> Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
> > (Charles is blushing and very sad to have made such a mistake. He
> > thought "Ono" was a female name, like in "Yoko Ono". Apologies)
> Don't worry about it.
> Please forgive me, your name reminds me of the world famous
> beagle. I apologize.
> Entre nous, "Ono" is my/her family name.
> (Yoko Ono is really good artist, I think. I like her art.)
Yes, my name reminds a lot of people about that famous artist... ;-)

> >>But when I use OpenOffice.org, I can't help admiring it.
> > 
> > Can we use this sentence on our marketing banners and logos? :-)
> Sure!

haha! thanks!
> >>I can write Java a little.
> >>OOo will become good frontend of SQL client, I thought.
> >>Finally I found, I might be able to help something or somebody.
> >>
> >>Please visit my web site.
> >>I put up some screenshots.
> >>http://seiza.dip.jp/machine/fio/screenshot.html
> > 
> > I think that what you're doing is very interesting and should be
> > advertised much more in the wider community. I think some people would
> > like to volunteer to this. What do you think? Should we "go public" and
> > ask for participation? Eventually a link allowing to download the client
> > should be put at several places on openoffice.org (Japanese project,
> > http://dba.openoffice.org and elsewhere)
> Thank you. But there are some problems.
> 1. My coding has not finished yet.(Now it's beta version.)
> 2. This program is written for Japanese.
>   (It's not difficult to make it  multilingual technically but...
>    The code and documents are in Japanese.
>    It's too difficult to translate them for me.)
> 3. I'm not good at English.
> I will "go public" when I finish my program.
> Maybe at first, I'll ask Japanese OpenOffice.org project
> to link my site.
> I thank your offer very much.

Okay. I still think though that such a software deserves a translation
in English, then to other languages if possible.


> Regards,
> ---- in Japaneseïããèãããããããï ----
> ããããããããããããã
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> > :-)
> ããããï
> > ãããããããããããããããããããããæãããã
> > ãããããããåãåäãããããããæãããã
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> 2. ææèãäããããããæåããäããããããã
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> 3. èèãèæããã
> åæããããåäããããããã
> ããããããããOpenOffice.org 
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> # èæããããããããããéããããããã
> -- 
> /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>    mAkoto Ono
>    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    http://seiza.dip.jp/index.html
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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