> > - The addition of mousewheelup/mousewheeldown methods.
> Are these really necessary? I think adding these might increase the
> code considerably without much more benefit. The mousewheelup/down is
> represented by the event.detail and/or event.wheelDelta. Although the
> event.detail and event.wheelDelta have a different idea of which way
> is up and which way is down. I'll have to see how much code it adds by
> adding these two methods.

Actually, I suppose it could be more like the hover event method and
take two functions. One would be for the mousewheeldown and the other
for the mousewheelup. Then no one would have to worry about the
event.detail and/or event.wheelDelta (unless they wanted to know the
magnitude). Also, if only one function is passed I could write it to
act like it currently does.

Does that sound useful?


On 9/28/06, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - The addition of mousewheelup/mousewheeldown methods.
> Are these really necessary? I think adding these might increase the
> code considerably without much more benefit. The mousewheelup/down is
> represented by the event.detail and/or event.wheelDelta. Although the
> event.detail and event.wheelDelta have a different idea of which way
> is up and which way is down. I'll have to see how much code it adds by
> adding these two methods.
> > - The standardization of an event.detail and/or event.wheelDelta (IMO,
> > I think wheelDelta makes more sense). This way you can access the same
> > property in all browsers.
> I decided to use event.detail as the magitude is represented by
> 'smaller' numbers instead of in multiples of 120. In IE I take the
> value of wheelDelta and divide it by 120 and I suppose I could do the
> opposite for Firefox and add the wheelDelta property. I think that is
> a good idea.
> > Do you still need testing for Opera and Safari? I realize that you
> > said that Safari didn't work, but I'm sure that there's a couple of us
> > here who can research into this some more, to find a good
> > cross-browser solution.
> Safari in its current released version is hopeless. I believe I should
> probably do some testing on Opera as it probably supports IE's
> onmousewheel.
> Brandon
> On 9/27/06, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Great plugin. Couple recommendation:
> > - The addition of mousewheelup/mousewheeldown methods.
> > - The standardization of an event.detail and/or event.wheelDelta (IMO,
> > I think wheelDelta makes more sense). This way you can access the same
> > property in all browsers.
> >
> > Do you still need testing for Opera and Safari? I realize that you
> > said that Safari didn't work, but I'm sure that there's a couple of us
> > here who can research into this some more, to find a good
> > cross-browser solution.
> >
> > Keep up the great work!
> >
> > --John
> >
> > On 9/28/06, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've finished my mousewheel plugin + docs + test/example.
> > >
> > > The example/test page: 
> > > http://brandonaaron.net/jquery/mousewheel/mousewheel.html
> > > The code: http://svn.brandonaaron.net/svn/jquery_plugins/mousewheel.js
> > > The blog entry:
> > > http://brandonaaron.net/articles/2006/09/28/jquery-plugin-mousewheel
> > > The blog entry is just me rambling a little bit. The inline docs are
> > > probably better.
> > >
> > > The biggest annoyance/issue was that Firefox/Mozilla doesn't allow the
> > > DOMMouseScroll event to be cancelable. So I had to hack around it but
> > > finally figured out a way to allow the default to be prevented.
> > >
> > > BTW, this uses the $().hover method and it has a bug that I've logged
> > > and supplied a patch for here: http://jquery.com/dev/bugs/bug/222/
> > >
> > > As this is my first plugin, if there is anything I should do
> > > differently or any enhancements I could make (or if you find any bugs)
> > > just let me know. :)
> > >
> > > Brandon Aaron
> >
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