Great points, I’m saving this thread for inspiration the next time I have a form to build…  I love this list J




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:49 AM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] How to display error/validation messages?


This was an early prototype for what is now currently live on all of Intuit's websites.


From a UX design standpoint, here are some guidelines:

1. Bigger text fields.  Many (most?) users have sketchy vision and flickering monitors.  Make the text boxes bigger and they will be happier.  Same goes for the submit buttons.

2. Have a visual indication next to required fields (background color, asterick, something).  Make sure they see it.

3. Do not submit the form if the required fields are not filled in.  (Click sign in on mine to see sample interaction.)  Light up the error fields. Turn them back to normal when the user focuses on them.

4. Allow for keyboard TAB input as well as mouse click input.  Remember, sometimes users cut/paste.

5. Give inline errors in red when they screw up (Put an invalid email in the email field and then click on the next field.  This falls into the design principle called "Contraints".  Lego is a great example of how to do this right.  Never allow the user to do something incorrect.  Always disallow bad entry.  (Garbage In-Garbage Out)

6. Eliminate instructions.  Users NEVER read instructions, so you might as well get rid of it and focus on getting them through the process without it. Users will read phrases and words, but not sentences.  As Don Norman (Godfather of Design) says, "A door that -requires- a sign that says [Pull] is a porrly designed door".


I hope this is helpful.



On 11/14/06, Chris W. Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:35 AM Klaus Hartl <> said:

> Most browsers don't focus a field from
> a link pointing to the field's id, so I usually add a click event to
> explicitly focus the form element. The field to focus is simply read
> from the link's href...

Unless I'm misunderstanding your implementation, your problem is that
you're using the wrong tag. Don't use an anchor+js to link an error
message with its field. You should be using <label> instead.

<label for="" field cannot be empty.</label>
<input id="first_name" type="text" size="20"/>

You can have as many <label>s as you want pointing to the same field.
This will make the browser put focus is the field where

<div id="errors">
<label for="" with First Name</label>

<form ...>
<label id="first_name">First Name</label>
<input id="first_name" .../>

Both of the above labels will put focus in the first_name field when
clicked. Use CSS to style the label(s) however you want.


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