Hi jQuerians!

I had a long conversation with Stefan today (the guy who started the
wonderful Interface library, for those of you who are new) about the
performance of drag and drop operations.
There are different approaches for both scriptaculous and interface and
real-life applications:

1.) Interface's approach:

Interface measures all possible droppables when initiating the drag.
Advantages: 1.) After drag initalizing, dragging is very fast, does not lag,
2.) option to highlight possible drag targets at start
Disadvantages: 1.) It takes a very long time to "pick up" a draggable, when
dealing with lots of droppables. (See the demo:

2.) Scriptaculous' approach:

Scriptaculous does nothing on drag start, but triggers a function everytime
you move the mouse ("mousemove" event), which than checks for the position
and looks if there is a overlapping droppable (droppable position by parsing
the dom tree).
Advantage: The dragging starts immediately.
Disadvantage: Dragging is very slow when dealing with lots of droppables
(especially deep nested ones). (See the demo:

3.) Real world approach (Yahoo, Live Mail, others)

Instead of using the real draggable element, the use a helper div, which is
attached to the cursor. Notice: The cursor is not _over_ the helper, but has
an offset of i.e. -5/-5 relative to the helper.
Advantage: Very very fast in performance, because you can check for the
target/srcElement, rather than checking the position of droppables
Disadvantage: The cursor cannot be on top of the helper.

We now came to the conclusion that we should have 2 or 3 versions of

1.) The old one (Nifty but slow, for few droppables)
2.) The new one (Fast, event delegation [without parsing the DOM tree], but
needs some tweaking parameters every time)
3.) The helper draggables (very fast, cursor must be off the element)

For making it easier to decide which to use, we could provide a helper on
top, draggables.js, that automatically selects the preffered version in
regards of how many nodes you use for droppables and where the cursor
position is.

We are waiting for comments and ideas on this very important decision, since
it will be a major rewrite and change.


Paul Bakaus
Web Developer
jQuery mailing list

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