Olivier Percebois-Garve schrieb:
> Hi
> I followed the discussions about 'how to make jquery more popular'
> and I just want to point out that this is the kind of things that 
> should be learned to newcomers in a crash course.
> $() is easy to understand as a steroid getElementById(), but to 
> understand that it returns a jQuery object belongs
> more to the innards of jQuery. I'm using for time to time jQuery for 4 
> months and it is the kind things I'm avid to better understand.
> get(0) or [1] ok got it, but will each() work ? is there a way to filter ?
> Well I usually get the answer to such questions by myself, but I'd 
> love to see it discussed on some blogs around with pros and cons, 
> before I even really need it...
> Ok, maybe I should write a few stuffs by myself before to tell others 
> what to do, but please take this as gentle suggestion, just "pointing 
> out"...
The Getting Started guide mentions it, but not very prominent: 
Somewhere around the example with form reset...

Do you think it would help the generic newcomer if the guide has more 
prominent examples and explanations about this issue?

Jörn Zaefferer


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