Kim Johnson schreef:
> Currently I use PHP's built in session functions to
> handle ensuring users are logged in, etc. It doesn't
> work correctly a small percentage of the time, but is
> robust as far as being able to use the $_SESSION array
> and other such things. Now that I'm starting to use a
> bunch of jquery stuff, I'm interested in knowing if
> there's anything comparable. I haaaaate
> troubleshooting why sessions aren't working so I'd
> like something more reliable. 
> I noticed there's a cookie plugin for jquery but it
> seems to just do basic things. Is there anything
> comparable to PHP's system in jquery, or should I just
> stick with PHP?
This is a good article about cookies and sessions :

The way i use the two most of the time is to put the variables that are 
used by php and javascript in a cookie and more sensitive data in a 
session and sometimes i use a mysql table.

cookies are useful to make a bridge between sessions. Sessions are easy 
to use in php but they also have a limited filesize so you can't put too 
much  data in  a session.  If you use a database you can store anything 
you want.

So i don't think you should switch. try to find a way that works for you.


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